Psychology vs. Psychiatry

Many people use the terms “psychology” and “psychiatry” interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different areas of practice. Psychologists and psychiatrists are both trained to identify and treat mental health issues, and both regularly treat patients using psychotherapy (talk therapy). However, because psychiatrists are medical doctors who completed medical school and a residency, they can also prescribe medication and...[ read more ]


John E. Rigoli, Jr. M.S., LMFT#127387


Primary: 951-246-6141
Secondary: 951-520-5763

25020 Las Brisas Rd. Suite 207
Murrieta, CA 92562

John E. Rigoli, M.S. LMFT#127387 (CA) #4316-R (NV)
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
9402 W Lake Mead Blvd
Las Vegas, NV, 89134

verified by Psychology Today

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